– fotó: Posztós János / Művészetek Palotája –
Next performer of interview: Aziza Brahim.
She was born on June 9, 1976, one of the refugee camps in Tindouf in Algeria.
We’ve been on 23 december 2014, giving concert in The Palace of Arts; was Christmas and New Year, but now the interview is ready. I am extremely grateful to her.
The band: two Brazilian and Argentine. Probably that’s why it was feel the extraordinary calmness with Spanish Bar atmosphere and unspeakable love. Aziza is a soul. An uppercase soul. It sounds to cliché, doesn’t it? But it’s true. The people feel it that who is good and real person or who not.
She tells about the refugee camps, the people, the music, about so everything. I wish you a pleasant moments, and a perfect music to it!
First question… What do you believe?
I believe in the Human being.
What was your childhood? And, what was the little girl Aziza?
I have a difficult chilhood as the rest of Saharawi child at this time.
Your grandmother is poet. What was it like to grow up as her grandchild? What did you learn from her?
My grandmother is Ljadra Mint Mabruk, a very important Saharawi poet. To grow up as her grandchild is my big luck. I learnt a lot of things, but the most important, for me is the humility of the great people.
What is your favorite poem from your grandmother?
My favorite poem of my grandmother is one that it’s unpublished. Its title is „The Great Magreb battle” It is a large war poem that describes the horror of the war.
What did you like the music, and now what does it mean for you?
The music for me was a fun entertainment and a way to resist. Now, besides, it is my way of life.
Why couldn’t be good the Cuban-scholarship, about of the your music career?
I was compelled to study Laws or Medicine, but I was unmotivated for that. I wanted to study music.
How did start your musical career exactly?
I participated into the National Song Contest. I won a National Song Prize, then I started to play with Leyoad.
Which music style is close to you? To classify yourself?
I think it is the blues, but I like all kinds of music. I like very much the music with roots.
At the moment, what does life the Algerian Tindouf refugee camp? Can you tell me about the people there, place, and the situation of Sahara now?
The situation in the camps is an emergency situation. My people live in this camps during 40 years. There are 200.000 Saharawis in one of the most inhospitable deserts in the world, depending of the lacking humanitarian aid. I spite of this we all keep the hope to be able to return in our own territory and improve the life conditions.
What do you want to express, what you want to show your album of the “Soutak”?
I have wanted to express the feelings of an unknowed reality, the Saharawi people’s reality.
There are great writers, famous songwriters who say that happiness unable to sit down to write, however, the chaos is just the inspiration. What do you think about it?
I think that, unfortunately, the chaos cause a bigger inspiration, but I think the happiness can to bring around special works.
How was the concert on 23 December at the Palace of Arts in Budapest? And then there was what it felt like to stand in front of people who clapped their hearts pure?
It was a magic gig, the band and me were very comfortables and we play from the heart. We enjoyed the concert because you bring us a warm reception. At the end, these big ovation was the better recognition for a musician. It was a moving moment.
What is your opinion about Budapest? What did you like most here?
Is the first time I have been there. I hadn’t time to visit some places. I think it is one of the most beautiful cities that I have visited and I hope to come back soon to know better your fantastic city.
How will you say goodbye to 2014, and what do you want to 2015?
I have sayed goodbye to 2014 expressing my gratitude to all my followers and all the people that supported my work along the year, sharing the video of Julud in my social network. And I would want to 2015 the best wishes of love and freedom to all the world.
Mucho gracias, Aziza!
You’re wellcome!
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